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Friday, April 29, 2011

Salafis call for Islamic state, prosecution of Coptic Pope

Fri 29 Apr 2011
<p>مئات السلفيين يتظاهرون، رافعين لافتات تطالب بعودة كاميليا شحاته، وذلك عقب آدائهم صلاة الجمعة بمسجد النور بالعباسية، 29 أبريل 2011. سيطر السلفيون والشيخ حافظ سلامة، قائد المقاومة الشعبية بالسويس، علي مسجد النور، للمرة السابعة علي التوالي، وقاموا بمنع الشيخ أحمد ترك، إمام المسجد، من صعود المنبر، لإلقاء خطبة الجمعة، بالرغم من الإجراءات الأمنية المُتخذة.</p>
Photographed by أحمد المصري
Thousands of Salafis staged three protests in Cairo after Friday prayers to highlight the ten demands they announced during protests in Alexandria Sunday.
They staged the first protest in front of Fateh mosque in Ramses Square, the second in front of Noor mosque in Abbasseya, and the third on Ramses street.
Their demands include the prosecution of the Coptic Pope and the release of  two priests' wives believed to have converted to Islam and rumored to be detained by the church and the inspection of churches and monasteries. They also want a dispute between Sheikh Hafez Salama and the Ministry of Religious Endowments resolved.
Hundreds of Salafis protested in front of Noor mosque supporting Salama amid a noticeable police and military presence.
Thousands of Salafis who said they are members of the "Coalition Supporting New Muslims" protested in front of Fateh mosque, calling for the prosecution of the Coptic Pope over the alleged detention of the priests' wives, Camelia Shehata and Wafa Constantine.
Protesters called for an Islamic state and stressed that they would not leave the area around Noor mosque until their demands are met.

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